Pondless Waterfalls
What is a pondless waterfall?
When considering a water feature for you landscape you may have some initial concerns. If you have young children you may have concerns about a larger pond, or if you are not home often you may think that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy a water feature because there would be too much maintenance involved. You may be under the impression that if your landscape is completely flat that you would not be able to enjoy a waterfall or stream cascading in your yard.
A Pondless Waterfall is a fantastic idea for families with young children, people on the go, even businesses. Pondless Waterfalls are exactly what they sounds like; a re-circulating waterfall and/or a stream without the presence of a pond. You are able to enjoy the beauty and hear the sounds of a waterfall, but you won’t have the same safety concerns as a pond, and Pondless Waterfall requires less maintenance than a pond does. This is also a great choice if you have a small space in your yard, or are unsure about going full scale on a pond and want to take the first step toward a pond.

Pinellas Ponds: On time, affordable and friendly service.
Please feel free to contact our customers. We will do your job right the first time. Pinellas Ponds and Waterfalls is an Aquascape Certified Company, which means we have been through the proper training and we know what we are doing.
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